Another peak plan, debated venue on route and settled for a sheltered option at
This being a new venue for NB and AT, having been put off in the past by the less than inspiring pictures in the guides, with the ever present pool looking rather dank and horrid. However on arrival delighted to discover it holds a lot of charm and is extremely user friendly with a range of varied climbing, some slabby, some bold, some tricky, some steep and juggy. So enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon - out of the cool breeze and in good company with fellow visitors, some of whom had come straight from Stanage with reports of cold conditions.
First route of the day
A very amenable well protected little outing
AT moving into the crux right at the top
NB next up next door on Snail Crack
AT follows at the double
The sun comes out and things warm up a bit
BP ups the collective game on NOVA
HS 4b
NB gives it some Super Nova
Three solid 4b cruxes on this route, deserves VS as per the old guide
BP has plenty of company on belay
A fine view of this area of the crag, great place for picnics and hanging out.
Climber is on Gingerbread (VS4c) - too good a line to ignore.
© Stevie Lee, May 2014 (UKC)
So AT bites the biscuit and rocks up
Fiddling in some sort of half decent friend
Gear in x 4
A cluster of bomber wires
Ready for a tip toe to the top
Just a couple more tidy moves
Faith in friction needed now
Gingerbread, Snail Crack, Nailsbane, and Nova
All done in 2 pitches to protect scramble off upper ledges
Finished the afternoon off on Three Tree Climb at the left hand end of the bay.
BP tackling the 2nd crux
(The sweeping corner and groove on the right is Great Harry at VS 4c)
And pulls out a move from the kitbag of cunning shapes
Another great position on this excellent route
More to do at this surprisingly good venue!