October 30 2022
For some unknown reason it occurred to me that I just needed to have a look again at my electronic ignition settings. Workshop manual says 2 degrees up to 1000 RPM, rising to 33 degrees at 4000 RPM.
So I looked up in the manual to see where the correct setting for the T3 advance curve is.
First off I lifted the seat to have a peek at the installed setting, here's the picture.
So it looks like the arrow is pointing at #8 (red dot)
Here's the settings chart.
It's blindingly obvious that the correct setting is the curve highlighted by the green arrow, which corresponds to setting 3 as far as I can tell, or possibly 2.
However the current setting is at #8! So the engine has been labouring (?) with the wrong advance curve.
A very wrong one!
So priority job for Spring 2023 will be to correct this and see how the engine runs. I'm expecting to feel some difference given that the motor is behind the curve, by as much as 5 degrees in the main operating range (2000 - 4000 RPM).
How did that happen? I have obviously failed to pay attention to which way the arrow is pointing. The only consolation is at least the setting is the same at the low RPM setting (2 degrees BTDC).