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Thursday 27 June 2024

Social Climbing in the Peak

 Wednesday 26th June

The minor heat wave hangs in another day.  Froggatt was in the running but common sense prevailed given the temperatures in the high mid twenties and there's no shade up there.  A couple of venues feature short walk ins and plenty of shade so was mightily relieved when the message from CB came in with a switch of plan to the über convenient and user friendly;


An 8am start got us there at 10.15 despite some delays on the M1.  Still room to park by the gate so a mere 3 minutes walk and we were gearing up to get going.  During the course of the day about four parties joined in - everybody happy to work around the routes, plenty of chat, and more than enough climbing to go round. 

AT starts the with the obvious line of Ant's Crack (S4a).  A foot got totally stuck.  Had to reverse the move and repeat with improved technique.  The gold friend made a few moves up along the way.

CB upped the ante to HS 4a up Ant's wall just to the right.  AT ant-icipated the challenge of Latecomer (HS4b) the zig zag crack to the left.

All ideal for aspir-ant crack climbers.

CB upped the ante again with a great lead up the technical Cardinal Slab at VS5a.

AT managed to lead this in  October 2018 as shown in the image.

Would have struggled to make the lead in todays conditions (mind, body and heat).  Had a few moments on the second but just made it.  A fall would have been a major anty-climax.

Ever the devi-ant, here's AT returning to a bit of esoterica, the meandering line of pedestal arete.  Works its way up a series of steps before a transition left onto the face before moving right again round the arete to finish up the wall.


By now all the routes in the left hand bay in the full sun.  CB heads to the north buttress to check out Fall Pipe.  It looks in good condition from here, no ferns or sundry greenery.  Or ants.

But close acquaintance reveals a coating of greasy gunge especially in the bottom third.

However CB declared it a goer.

CB shows the way with a series of jams and more jams to gain some amenable footholds.

Hexes help.  Ant-ique gear. All bomber.  

A friend goes in here.

CB just passed the crux before a straightforward finish and a belay on some pre-placed rope around a tree. 

CB rolls back down from the anchor so as as to provide advice, guidance and encouragement from the ground.

AT eventually finds the techniques that work after some abortive lay back action involving lots of movement that only made progress downwards.

Could hardly claim it was a clean climb.

Needs an extended spell of warm dry weather, more like HVS5a today.

Rockfax Description
The wall is split on the left by a long crack which gives good safe jamming and bridging when it is dry. Sadly it is often a bit green and greasy. © Rockfax

All true.

Climbers travelling some way from the south making the most of their trip with a fine lead on Cardinal Arete (direct start).

Calling it a draw in favour of a cooling and gentlemanly libation at the Strines.

Mama and Papas
Marvin Gaye
Jefferson Airplane
New Edition
Glen Campbell
Scott Mackenzie
The Doors
Aretha Franklin
The Beach Boys 
The Who

And many more

Monday 17 June 2024

Wild Windmore

 Sunday 16th June

Some time gone since the last outing, four weeks to the day!  Combination of trips away and poor weather (CB 7 days in Pembroke, AT in Hove, BP Dorset).  A trip to Park Nab late in May only got as far as the car parking, rain incessant up there.  So all getting a bit desperate (AT mainly) so manned up and set off for a look at;

Windmore End

Short walk in and out in the event of getting caught in the rain, could see any showers coming from 20 miles away across the Eden Valley.  Really windy up there, and given the lack of gear on most lines, CB set about organising a top rope, switching it along to three separate sectors giving access to about 12 routes, all pretty pokey.  AT attempted a lead up the easy Grassy Crack but abandoned low down - risk of being blown off.  

Sun came out for long enough for this photo to create a completely false impression of conditions.

Three good routes up left of the central crack.

CB sallys forth.

Small holds, tenuous moves.  All very interesting.

The sun got stronger, but so did the wind.  Called it  a draw after some serious struggles.  For example the obvious leaning crack line is supposedly VS 4c.

Led in 2002 with the Gman - not today though!

Did enough to earn a posh pint at the Morritt Arms in the sunny sheltered garden.  Result!


Friday 7 June 2024

Zombies go Scottish

 June 1-3rd

Long planned weekend trip to Edinburgh for Zombies show at the Queens Hall.

Tyne crossing by train 


Queens Hall

Quaint venue

Stockton Arc has better acoustics though

Great show as ever

Edinburgh scenes

On the balcony pictured above

Great weekend break

Recommend Sambouca Italian Restaurant
