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Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Mamba Sun

31st March 2014
East Raven Crag Langdale
Mamba S4a (NB)
Jingo VS4b (AT)
Speckled Bad VD (NB) RH start
Watson Wall MVS 4b (AT)


After a Jingo jangle, NB follows up with some serene climbing on Speckled Band.

Big bong belay for LH routes

Less so at Watson Wall.....
30m route plus 17m up grass to spike belay, resulting in a good plot for a Janet and John story.

"....Andy says he's safe
Norm says that's him
I wonder what they will do next?....."

Clip of someone on Jingo here
(They think it's Speckled band however!)
I went a bit further left into the pale niche
(upper left of frame at 9m 24 seconds in)
Good gear there phewnally!

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