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Sunday, 17 August 2014

Long Scar Crow Bar

Friday August 15th
Long Scar
Overnight at Fairbank.  A leisurely breakfast - BP somewhat discombobular after an unusually heavy night's sleep
Given his condition I thought it best to insist I drive.... somewhat nervously up the narrow road to Wrynose (car being traded in next day - no bumps please).
Took a chance on a day at altitude and managed five and a half decent routes before abandoning in the face of a gathering storm.
Crow barred these routes in.

Had to escape off the second route - insufficient gear.

So finished up PGG as per PMcG in this shot from last year

BP (now fully focused) deals with crux (wet!) and makes great shapes on Katie's Dilemma.

"Step to the Right" follows the left leaning flakes to the block on KD then moves back up right.

AT about to come over all eponymous on Step to the Right

Moves done right - more good gear ready for moves up into the prominent niche above.

All a bit green here-abouts

Last July was bone dry, warm, and sunny!

Atmospherics a plenty up there at 550m

Wind got gustier as the day went on

Enjoyed a brief bit of sun on Twin Cracks Right - a testing route - Giddup there Mr P

Great gear all the way but that first crack is steep!

Wind got up so we wound down as the spots started spitting - abandon crag!

Aperros back at KL with Mags

Long Scar today
New Car tomorrow!

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