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Tuesday 14 May 2024

Peel Appeal

 Sunday 12th May

The good weather spell holds up long enough for another trip to the County for a regular circuit of the most appealing routes on;

Peel Crag

One of the few venues where the walk in is actually a walk down, so off to a fast start, climbing by 10.40.  

CB ambles in.

AT starts the day off up Ulysses, an amenable VDiff with an optional RH finish which is rather bold for that grade.

The LH groove is reported as being loose and some rock has fallen out recently.

A rare picture of a tidy rope, somehow managed to get it into a right mess not once but twice, took almost as long to sort it out as getting up the route.

Common factor both times down to AT.  Or was it CB?

CB about to effect the awkward transition from the technical start of Overhanging Crack, which is coming up next.

AT followed ok until the jams went in the wrong way round in the big crack.  Got it 2nd go.

AT invokes a Sunset clause.

Unknown climber on same route

Twin Cracks is also on view up the left of this picture.

A very tough start VS5a in the County

HVS everywhere else

©Simnel UKC

CB past the major difficulties on Twin Cracks.

AT followed up the right then a pendulum in on CB's tight rope gained the niche below the brown oblong centre pic.

From July 2003.   It's in the logbook with a tick and I remember it being ok.  I guess that must mean the years have not been kind....

Finished the day with a new route, Chockstone Chimney, really enjoyable route with an exposed finish great gear all the way.

Routes L-R
Overhanging Crack
Chockstone Chimney
Twin Cracks

Wheatsheaf in Corbridge closed.  Other places not as good.

Some greats in this mix

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